Region: Südtirol - Trentino | Provinz: Bozen [BZ]
Freitag - 15.07.2022
baila - birthday bash
Location: baila CLUB x LOUNGE BAR
birthday bash
at baila
> born in may, june or july enter for free till midnight <
1st price: vip area for the team (bottle incl.)
> entry 18+ | doors open 22 h | ticket 10 €
at baila
> born in may, june or july enter for free till midnight <
1st price: vip area for the team (bottle incl.)
> entry 18+ | doors open 22 h | ticket 10 €
Next Events
- 21.12 - FVCK the SCHOOL
- 19.12 - Baila REVIVAL - XMAS edition
- 14.12 - cirque du baila
- 06.12 - Baila meets Uni Party
- 31.10 - FEAR - halloween night
- 17.10 - Maturantenparty vol. 1
- 11.10 - Baila Wiesn 2024
- 05.10 - Baila Wiesn 2024
- 04.10 - Baila Wiesn 2024
- 06.09 - SCHOOLS IN - baila club
- 31.08 - TUNING SHOW 4th edition - baila area
- 31.08 - sexy ladies - AFTER TUNING SHOW party
- 17.08 - Baila goes Malle
- 12.07 - Maturantenparty vol. 4
- 08.06 - TUNING SHOW 3rd edition - baila area
- 30.05 - Maturantenparty vol. 3
- 10.05 - CYBERPUNK city
- 30.04 - Baila REVIVAL
- 20.04 - JUICY M
- 08.03 - Baila - Ladies Night
- 29.02 - baila - QUIZ NIGHT
- 24.02 - Baila - APRES SKI PARTY
- 10.02 - FREAK SHOW
- 27.01 - Ralph Cieli & Friends - baila club
- 25.01 - Maturantenparty vol. 2
- 19.01 - GLOW IN THE DARK at Baila
- 05.01 - Endless Winter club Event
- 25.12 - birthday bash - ELIA | MARKUS | MORITZ
- 15.12 - ground zero | volume III
- 07.12 - baila - sexy Nikolaus Party
- 02.12 - we love the 90s & 2000s
- 01.12 - Baila KARDO NIGHT
- 04.11 - Techno Wonderland
- 31.10 - the FREAK SHOW
- 21.10 - Baila CONMIGO
- 19.10 - Maturantenparty
- 15.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 14.10 - Baila Wiesn - AFTER PARTY
- 14.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 13.10 - Baila Wiesn - AFTER PARTY
- 13.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 12.10 - baila - QUIZ NIGHT - WIESN edition
- 06.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 02.09 - TUNING SHOW - baila area
- 18.08 - ENDLESS SUMMER FESTIVAL - preparty
- 14.08 - FOAM Party & monday clubbing
- 12.08 - Baila - Ladies Night
- 29.07 - GLOW IN THE DARK at Baila
- 22.07 - TUNING SHOW - baila area
- 13.07 - Maturantenparty
- 07.07 - ground zero | volume II
- 30.06 - cirque du baila
- 24.06 - Baila goes Malle
- 23.06 - HOT or NOT? - baila club
- 17.06 - Baila CONMIGO
- 16.06 - F@ck the Shool
- 01.06 - Techno Wonderland
- 28.05 - we love the 90s & 2000s
- 20.05 - Baila meets CARNABY
- 12.05 - Baila CONMIGO
- 04.05 - Maturantenparty
- 22.04 - rudeejay at baila
- 15.04 - Baila - APRES SKI FESTA
- 09.04 - Baila CONMIGO
- 01.04 - sound of techno
- 17.03 - ground zero | club festival
- 16.03 - Baila REVIVAL
- 10.03 - hip hop & rap night
- 03.03 - GLOW IN THE DARK at Baila
- 17.02 - Baila - THE CARNIVAL SHOW
- 11.02 - Techno Wonderland
- 10.02 - Baila CONMIGO
- 09.02 - Baila REVIVAL
- 26.01 - Maturantenparty
- 14.01 - Baila - Ladies Night
- 05.01 - ENDLESS WINTER | club event
- 25.12 - baila - Packtl Nacht
- 23.12 - coming home for Christmas
- 09.12 - hip hop & rap night
- 07.12 - HARDSTAILA VOL. 1
- 03.12 - Techno Wonderland
- 04.11 - GIGI L'ALTRO
- 31.10 - this is HALLOWEEN
- 29.10 - Baila - APRES SKI FESTA
- 27.10 - Maturantenparty vol.1
- 22.10 - baila opening winter season
- 21.10 - baila opening winter season
- 09.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 08.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 07.10 - Baila Wiesn
- 01.10 - baila - birthday bash
- 30.09 - Ministry of House - Baila club
- 24.09 - HOT or NOT? - baila club
- 16.09 - Elysium at Baila | MACKY GEE
- 03.09 - welcome to las vegas - baila club
- 02.09 - top hits only - baila club
- 01.09 - back to school - baila club
- 22.08 - Team Baila - Sommergrillen
- 20.08 - Work Hard Play Hard
- 19.08 - Baila KARDO NIGHT
- 14.08 - baila FOAM PARTY
- 13.08 - Baila - Ladies Night
- 12.08 - Baila - NO RULES FRIDAY
- 06.08 - memory night - baila club
- 30.07 - HOT or NOT? - baila
- 29.07 - O V E R H E A D
- 23.07 - the saturday night show - baila club
- 15.07 - baila - birthday bash
- 08.07 - crack the safe at baila
- 02.07 - GLOW IN THE DARK at Baila
- 01.07 - Ladies Night - RALPH CIELI
- 24.06 - Baila Eskaliert - DJ PAT
- 17.06 - back to the future - baila club
- 10.06 - Ralph Cieli & Friends - baila club
- 04.06 - Ladies Night - baila club
- 03.06 - No Rules Friday - baila club
- 02.06 - White Sensation - baila club
- 01.06 - Dance Republic - baila club
- 27.05 - GLOW IN THE DARK at Baila
- 21.05 - Bad Taste Party - Baila
- 14.05 - Ministry of House - Baila club
- 12.05 - REVIVAL - Summer Opening
- 07.05 - BAILA club - Back to the Future
- 30.04 - THE SATURDAY NIGHT SHOW at Baila
- 23.04 - Baila - THE OPENING
- 29.11 - NoLipstik live
- 21.08 - Baila Schaumparty die Letzte
- 14.08 - Baila Ferragosto Beach Party
- 24.07 - Baila Popp Nacht
- 17.07 - Baila Schaumparty die Zweite
- 06.07 - Betriebsgrillen vol. 2 - Baila Staff
- 19.06 - Schaumparty die Erste
- 12.06 - Schools out Party - Baila
- 02.06 - BETRIEBSGRILLEN - Baila / Juwel Staff
- 15.05 - Maturantenparty die zweite – Das Ende ist Nah…!!!
- 09.05 - Trachten Clubbing - Baila After Party
- 30.04 - Baila Summer Opening
- 04.04 - Loud AC/DC tribute show
- 22.03 - TH-Birthday Party - 12. Edition @ Baila
- 14.12 - Baila Schatzsuche
- 01.11 - Tequila Girls
- 11.10 - Grand Opening Party - BAILA PUB
- 25.08 - Baila Betriebsgrillen
- 11.08 - Jumpingball
- 08.08 - Hard Heaven with Art of Fighters live
- 01.08 - Soft Ball Party
- 27.07 - Ibiza Fucking Island
- 18.07 - Schaumparty die Zweite
- 02.07 - Mäx Birthday Party
- 20.06 - Schaumparty die Erste
- 07.06 - Firebeatz!
- 25.05 - Neon Night with DJ DKEY
- 16.05 - Maturantenparty die 2. - das ende ist nah
- 11.05 - Baila Trachtenclubbing
- 27.03 - Spring Madness - special event over 16
- 10.02 - Fuck the School - special event
- 30.11 - NoLipstik live - bailaOver25
- 29.09 - opening Baila - new concept
- 13.09 - Oktoberfest mit Volxrock
- 23.08 - Schaumparty - die letzte
- 09.08 - alternative night by Dj TH
- 02.08 - Offensiva Hardstyle Attack - Tatanka live
- 26.07 - Evelyn live (2012 - one night in ibiza)
- 19.07 - Schaumparty die Zweite
- 28.06 - Pitbull double OkanYasin
- 21.06 - Schaumparty die Erste
- 14.06 - Schools Out Party
- 24.05 - Tacabro – Tacatà
- 17.05 - 2. Maturanten Party
- 10.05 - Opening Summer Season 2012
- 08.10 - Chippendales Aftershow Party
- 29.09 - Boney M feat. Liz Mitchell
- 22.09 - Oktoberfest mit Volxrock
- 01.09 - RIO live - Discopub Baila
- 26.08 - Brooklyn Bounce live
- 25.08 - Schaumparty vol. 3
- 18.08 - Offensiva Hardstyle Attack - Technoboy
- 21.07 - Schaumparty the 2nd
- 16.07 - White Sensation
- 23.06 - Schaumparty the1st
- 16.06 - Schools out Party
- 12.06 - Traktor Treffen
- 12.05 - 2. Maturanten Treffen
- 28.04 - Opening Discopub Baila
- 30.09 - Oktoberfest mit Volxrock
- 09.09 - Schools in Party
- 26.08 - Headhunterz Offensiva Hardstyle Attack
- 19.08 - Schaumparty Vol. 3
- 14.08 - White Sensation
- 12.08 - Ruth Flowers – Mamy Rock
- 22.07 - Schaumparty die 2.
- 02.07 - Bikini Night
- 24.06 - Schaumparty die 1.
- 10.06 - School Out Party
- 27.05 - Maturanten Party - die 2.
- 23.05 - Disco Pogo by Ricky Rich feat. Seaside Clubbers
- 30.04 - Baila - opening weekend
- 24.04 - 3. Country Challenge
- 10.10 - Baila Closing Night
- 01.10 - Oktoberfest mit den Puschtra Volxrock
- 12.09 - White Sensation
- 28.08 - Photoplay Party
- 20.08 - Teddy-O live on stage
- 13.08 - 2. Schaumparty @ Baila
- 23.07 - Refresh Night - over 30
- 25.06 - 1. Schaumparty @ Baila
- 19.06 - Bikini Night
- 11.06 - Schools Out Party
- 21.05 - Molella live on stage
- 07.05 - 2. Maturanten Party
- 30.04 - Opening Discopub Baila
- 13.03 - FC Gries Fete
- 11.10 - Baila Closing Week End
- 26.09 - Miani - special guest
- 31.08 - Baila & Noah Team on Tour
- 29.08 - White Sensation @ Baila
- 21.08 - Schaumparty the 2nd
- 24.07 - Soft Ball Party - Baila
- 19.06 - Schaumparty - die Erste
- 15.06 - Feline Melinda - Release Party
- 12.06 - Schools Out Party
- 05.06 - Rock the House - Pleite Band
- 30.05 - Photo Play Party
- 15.05 - Vogue - the fashion night
- 08.05 - Maturantentreffen - Part. 2
- 30.04 - Opening Season 2008 - Baila
- 29.04 - Baila - the new location
- 13.10 - Baila Closing Party
- 21.09 - Ottomix Live Act
- 06.09 - Spritz Party
- 18.07 - Noche Latina @ Baila
- 07.07 - After Malibu Fete 2
- 06.07 - After Malibu Fete 1
- 21.06 - Schaumparty die Erste
- 30.04 - Garteneröffnung - Baila
- 12.04 - 2. Maturanten Fete - Baila
- 09.03 - Coyote Ugly Party @ Baila
- 23.02 - Sex and the City Party
- 15.02 - Baila Fasching
- 09.02 - Uni United - Welcome Home
- 01.02 - 1st Maturantentreffen 2007
- 31.10 - Baila - Halloween Night
- 26.10 - Baila 4. Geburtstag
- 21.09 - Oktoberfest - Volxrock live
- 02.09 - After Dorffest St.Pauls
- 17.08 - Summer is crazy Party - Baila
- 15.07 - After Malibu Party @ Baila
- 14.07 - After Malibu Party @ Baila
- 06.07 - Maturantentreffen Part. 3
- 05.07 - Fotomodel 2006 - Vorwahl
- 22.06 - Crazy Schaumparty @ Baila
- 21.06 - 1. Vorausscheidung Miss Südtirol 2007
- 16.06 - Bloodhound Gang im Baila
- 15.06 - School’s Out @ Baila
- 06.04 - Maturantentreffen Part. 2
- 23.03 - Sani Night @ Baila
- 16.03 - Uni Fete @ Baila
- 05.03 - Mini Playback Show
- 23.02 - Baila - Faschings Donnerstag
- 02.02 - Maturantentreffen Part. 1
- 27.01 - Coyote Ugly Party @ Baila
- 17.11 - Fashion Time - Modeschau
- 10.11 - Uni Fete
- 31.10 - Halloween Special Monday
- 27.10 - Happy Birthday Baila
- 22.09 - Die Wahl: Mister Bademeister
- 25.08 - Schaumparty mit DJ-Team BPM
- 16.07 - After Malibu Party
- 15.07 - After Malibu Party
- 13.07 - Miss Südtirol – der Startschuss
- 16.06 - Schaumparty @ Baila
- 28.04 - Haute Couture - Modeschau
- 14.04 - Maturantenparty - die 2te
- 25.02 - Friday Night @ Baila
- 03.02 - Baila - Faschings Donnerstag
- 28.01 - Sandro Bit live
- 27.01 - Südtiroler Maturanten-Treff
- 30.12 - Live-Style Night
- 17.12 - Fahrschule Haslach
- 25.11 - UNI-Festl
- 31.10 - Baila Halloween Night
- 30.10 - Pap'n Skar live
- 21.10 - Djs@Work - Live Act
- 29.07 - Coyote Ugly Party
- 10.07 - After Malibu Party
- 09.07 - After Malibu Fete
- 23.06 - Miss Südtirol 2004
- 17.06 - Groove Coverage live
- 20.05 - Floorfilla live
- 15.04 - Novaspace live
- 18.03 - Helen live
- 13.03 - Bmx Treffen
- 11.03 - 3. Sani Fete
- 19.02 - Unsinniger Baila Abend
- 10.01 - DJ Slaughter & Laconic